
准备资金来源报告: 在您向我们AAEB5团队咨询并决定投资我们的项目后,我们的律师团队或是您的个人律师将与您密切合作,指导您如何将您用于投资的资金来源予以记录。根据投资者个人情况的不同,这个步骤最多可耗费两个月左右的时间。

By |August 22nd, 2014|BLOG @zh-hans|0 Comments

What is the Process and Timing of Getting a Greencard through EB-5?

A step-by-step breakdown of the process of obtaining an EB-5 greencard.

By |August 22nd, 2014|BLOG|0 Comments



By |August 20th, 2014|BLOG @zh-hans|0 Comments


当投资人通过区域中心项目进行I-526申请的时候,需要向美国移民局提交一份EB-5经济研究报告。这份报告主要是为了说明投资人投资的特定项目将创造多少间接工作岗位。经济研究报告需要运用美国移民局认可的合理研究方法(如RIMS II, IMPLAN, REDYN等经济学模型)对投资项目的经济影响做出分析。一份EB-5经济研究报告可以测算特定的EB-5 项目将会在既定区域内产生怎样的经济影响,从而相当于创造了多少就业岗位。这些由项目经济影响所计算出的工作岗位则被称为间接工作岗位。

By |August 20th, 2014|BLOG @zh-hans|0 Comments

How Do You Count Indirect Jobs?

The main benefit of investing in EB-5 through a Regional Center and not a direct investment project is that Regional Center investments benefit from the ability to count indirect jobs created by the project. But what exactly is an indirect job?

By |August 20th, 2014|BLOG, Content classification|0 Comments

I have a 20-year-old child. By when do I have to file my petition?

An EB-5 investor can bring his or her spouse and unmarried child under the age of 21 as dependents. With the exception of Chinese investors, the child must be under 21 at the time of I-526 filing.

By |August 20th, 2014|BLOG|0 Comments